Contract law
Our offer
- drafting, reviewing and negotiating contracts and agreements:
- commercial and service provision contracts – sales, delivery or exchange contracts, specific work contracts, including contracts for the sale of specialist industrial machinery
- related to the use of things – tenancy, lease, leasing, sale-and-lease-back, lending for use contracts
- trade agency contracts – agency, distribution, commission sales contracts
- contracts relating to trading in contractual receivables and payables
- contracts regulating statutory warranty, quality warranty and post-warranty services
- franchising contracts
- other innominate contracts
- drafting and reviewing model contracts and agreements, including those used by businesses in consumer trading
- developing concepts for securities in business transactions (escrow accounts, bank guarantees, bills of exchange, transfers of ownership for security purposes, liens, mortgages, suretyships, etc.)
- reviewing, negotiating and drafting contracts relating to securities in business transactions
- reviewing, negotiating and drafting contracts relating to the implementation of construction projects
- recovering claims related to contracted obligations.
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